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With the holiday season in full swing and winter weather upon us, this time of year can be especially stressful, compounded by the usual daily pressures. Do you have a perfect relaxation space in your home?

New research by interior design experts at Inspired Wallpaper reveals that 50 percent of people feel they don’t get enough time for themselves, leading to stress, burnout, and even depression.

How does your home make you feel? Is it a sanctuary from the chaos, or do you live in disarray? 

If your life feels overwhelming and out of control, consider creating a private retreat to unwind, read, and find solace from the hectic outside world. It’s crucial to learn how to turn off and allow yourself some “me time.”

If you need a space to escape and indulge in what you love, make it happen! A private area doesn’t have to be large but should be filled with your favorite things. Dedicate a part of your home to relaxation – it could be a small reading nook rather than a whole room.

Recently, I had the privilege of participating in a designer showhouse where I created a private retreat for an imaginary woman who desired her sanctuary. 

This space featured art and cherished books from her recent travels to Italy. I avoided filling the room with many decorative items, as clutter can induce stress. 

My goal was to make the space serene and calming. Natural light and plants filled the room, and I kept the art to a minimum to reduce wall clutter. Your eyes need to rest in a space intended for relaxation.

6 Tips for Creating Your Ultimate Relaxation Space

You can enhance the comfort and relaxation of your home by gradually making small changes. Begin by concentrating on specific corners of your house.

  • Declutter Your Space

Start by minimizing clutter and removing items you don’t need. Organize important papers by filing them away. Store miscellaneous items in covered decorative bins, baskets, or drawers.

  • Embrace Natural Light

Natural light is ideal and boosts Vitamin D, benefiting your muscle and bone health. If you have beautiful views of water or landscaping, avoid covering your windows. Invite as much natural light and nature into your home as possible.

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  • Surround Yourself with Beloved Items

Designate an area for relaxation that includes items that hold personal significance, such as family photos, artwork, or images from your favorite places or travels. 

Include a comfortable chair, a cherished blanket, and a book you’re eager to read. Use soft, cozy fabrics to furnish your space, helping you unwind after a long day.

  • Create a Quiet Retreat

Establish a quiet corner in your home to relax and unwind. Add a sitting area in your bedroom with comfortable furniture where you can curl up with a good book. Position your chair or chaise to take advantage of a window view, and arrange the view to your liking. 

Place a small table next to the chair or chaise, just big enough for a book, a cup, or a glass of wine, and a table lamp. Avoid cluttering the table with other items. Floor lamps are an excellent option if your table needs to be bigger to hold a lamp.

  • Create an Electronics-Free Zone

Designate a cozy, inviting room in your home free from electronics, including televisions. In today’s fast-paced world, turning off the TV and embracing the quietness of meaningful conversations is essential. 

This helps us connect with our loved ones without the constant distraction of phones, computers, or televisions.

Years ago, I was horrified by the presence of phones at the dinner table, as our children felt the need to stay connected through social media.

 In 2019, the need for an electronics-free room is even greater, as many of us work from home and are always connected. An electronics-free space means no phones or other devices are allowed. 

Remember the last time a phone interrupted a wedding or funeral service? Our society has become too accessible, with emails being answered 24/7 (I am guilty of this) and clients being contacted on non-working days.

We shouldn’t be available to our clients or employers around the clock. This is why my clients are increasingly seeking relaxation spaces in their homes.

  • Embrace Nature

Incorporate natural elements by placing flowers or plants on tables. In the women’s retreat, I designed for a showhouse, I made sure to have flowers on every table to bring in the beauty of nature.

Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.