Have you ever seen the sequence on your computer? It might seem confusing, but understanding its parts can give you helpful information! 

A common error message, “Disconnected from the target VM, address:,” often appears during software development. This article explains what means, how it works, and how to fix the associated error.

What’s the Significance of

This code has two parts:

  • is called “localhost” and sends data back to your own computer.
  • Port 62893 helps applications send and receive data.
  • Port 62893 is sometimes used with Memcached, a system for caching data.

Online Addresses

IP addresses are like digital home addresses online. They help send data by showing where it should go. There are two main types: IPv4 and IPv6.

IPv4 addresses, like, are older and becoming rare. IPv6 addresses, like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, are newer and provide many more addresses for the internet.

Another difference is between private and public IP addresses. Private IPs, such as, are used within a single device or network. Public IPs let devices communicate across the whole internet.

Basics of Network Port Identification

Port numbers are like TV channels for your computer. They send data to the right apps, just like channels take you to different shows. Each port number matches a specific app or service, ensuring data reaches its destination.

Ways to use localhost

Programmers use localhost to test their applications before putting them online. Software demos also use localhost to show features without needing an internet connection.

Software for Handling Localhost and Ports

Different tools can assist in managing and monitoring localhost and port settings:

  1. Nmap helps find networks and checks for open ports, commonly used for security checks.
  2. PortQry is a command-line tool for checking open ports and diagnosing port issues.
  3. Wireshark is useful for fixing network problems and studying network traffic. (2)

Benefits of Utilizing

This code is important for a few reasons:

  1. Development and Testing: Developers use localhost to test applications inside without needing the internet. It helps find and fix problems in a safe place.
  2. Networking: Localhost helps understand how computers talk to each other (client-server) and how they use TCP/IP rules.
  3. Security: Watching ports on localhost helps see if someone tries to get into the system badly, which makes things safer.
  4. Debugging: Localhost helps find network problems, making it easier to fix and keeping apps running well.
  5. Isolated Space: By keeping development and testing separate, localhost stops issues with other apps, ensuring everything works correctly and stays dependable.

How operates

The mysterious works like this:

  1. Your device’s application uses ‘localhost’ ( as the destination.
  2. The port number (62893) specifies which specific service or program on the same machine should receive the communication.

For instance, a development tool uses this address to connect to a server running on your computer, making it easier to fix problems.

Is Publicly Opening Port 62893 Secure?

It’s not safe to make port 62893 public. Here’s why:

  1. Services like Memcached using specific ports can pose security risks.
  2. Opening these ports to the internet allows unauthorized access to your server.
  3. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in these services to attack your system.
  4. Such attacks can overwhelm your system with traffic, leading to crashes and potential data loss.

To stay safe, it’s best to use port 62893 only internally. This reduces the chances of security threats.

Fixing Problems with

If you see this error message, here’s what you can do to fix the problem:

Diagnosing the Challenge

  1. Make sure the program or service you want to use is on and working. Check if it starts correctly, whether it’s a website tool or a program for making things. 
  2. Make sure the program is using port 62893. Sometimes, problems connecting happen because you try the wrong port.
  3. Check your computer’s firewall. It might stop port 62893 from working. To let traffic from your computer’s localhost through this port, look at your firewall settings.

Finding the Solution

  1. Start the Service: Use a script or command to begin it if it’s not running.
  2. Configure Firewall: Create a firewall exception to allow communication for your application.
  3. Adjust Port Numbers: Change your application’s port in its settings if there’s a conflict with other services.
  • On Windows, go to Control Panel, then to Windows Defender Firewall. Click on Advanced Settings under System and Security. Go to Inbound Rules and create a new rule for port 62893.
  • For Mac/Linux, adjust firewall settings using Terminal commands, like Linux’s iptables.
  1. Make sure the program has all the right settings it needs to work. Check the application’s instructions to be sure.
  2. Check with tools like lsof (for Unix/Linux) or netstat (for Windows). These tools can tell you if any programs are using port 62893. If nothing is using the port, the program might not be set up correctly.

How To Fix the “Disconnected From The Target VM, Address:” Issue?

If you encounter the “Disconnected From The Target VM, Address:” error in tools like VS Code, it means the debugger couldn’t connect to the specified machine at that port. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Check if the application’s settings match the port number (62893).
  2. Ensure the service you’re using is running properly.
  3. Adjust your firewall settings so they allow connections to port 62893 for local use.

Can the public access Port 62893?

Usually, making port 62893 accessible to everyone is not safe.

  1. If you open port 62893, your system could face DoS attacks. Attackers can overload it with traffic, causing crashes.
  2. If port 62893 is open to the public, anyone with internet can try to connect to your Memcached server. This raises the risk of unauthorized entry to your system, leading to data breaches.
  3. Vulnerabilities in the Memcached service on port 62893 could let attackers get into your system or do bad things.

Richard is an experienced tech journalist and blogger who is passionate about new and emerging technologies. He provides insightful and engaging content for Connection Cafe and is committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.